September 22, I attempted to have a sunset flow for the Fall Equinox. The weather in Ohio is so unpredictable and presented some "challenges". However, I found it to be perfect for the upcoming ever changing Autumn season we are beginning. The picture below shows us to find the beauty, the rainbow, in change. As we moved the class inside the weather decided to change once more and the sun broke through the clouds. During class, I encouraged the Yogi's to embrace the change that we just experienced and asked them to not sweat the small stuff, find what no longer fits in their lives and give themselves permission to let go - like leaves of the tree shed.
What is the Autumn Equinox? It is when the Earth experiences equal length of day and night and darkness begins to increase. It is the season to begin to shift your awareness inward and begin the "pruning" phase. The "pruning" phase is when you notice things you have outgrown or hung onto since you started planting your seeds in the Spring . Pruning also shows how you've grown, allows you to be grateful for the experience(s) and recognize it's time to continue on your path. Just as nature begins to shed so it can continue to grow, so must we. Time to release old stories, those false limiting beliefs you've held onto that hinders your personal growth and evolution. Notice things that continually come up for you, ask yourself if this is something that uplifts you or burdens you? If it burdens you, PRUNE IT OUT! As you give permission for these limiting beliefs to fall away you can begin to celebrate your harvest of gratitude for all the things the Spring and Summer seasons have brought to your life.
Some thinking points or journaling prompts for the Autumn season.
Reflect on the current balance in your life.
What currently feels out of balance?
Did you neglect routines over summer?
What can you do to restore balance into these parts of your life?
Set time aside daily or weekly to turn inward and tune in.
Gratitude for summer energy
The fun and sun
Adventures that fueled you up for the upcoming cold nights
Were there signs or Aha moments?
Honor how you have grown
Lessons learned?
What experiences took you out of your comfort zone?
It is within this discomfort that you find growth opportunities.
What have I outgrown and can let go of?
Mantras you can use during this season
Yoga is for every body! Come and embrace the mess with me! Click here for my schedule.
In Love, Light & Gratitude,
