Today I had the honor to lead a meditation associated with the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which is known for originality, progressive thought and transformation. During this zodiac season which started on January 19th we are reminded to be mindful of how we use our energy daily. Here are a few tips to help manage your personal energy:
Allow your emotions to rise so that you can process them, don't suppress simply notice and name it. Right now I'm feeling _________ or right now I'm experiencing ____________, by doing this you reduce the power the emotion has over you and you accept and recognize this is temporary.
Don't judge, when we judge we create a false pedestal or resistance that can block positive understanding from forming. Often these judgments are more about our insecurities and not the other person. Shift your thought from judgment to understanding and you will naturally elevate your energy and aura that also helps create harmonious connections.
As I led this meditation this came forward for me; I often have high expectations not only for myself but others. Creating these expectations only sets me up for failure and I create an emotion of that thing or person unbeknownst to them. Then the next time I have an interaction with that thing or person I have a prejudgment and create distrust in it/them. I recognize that it is not fair to everyone involved as I created a false narrative that only I am aware of. This most definitely is an AHA moment with the Aquarian energy beginning to build before the New Moon on Wednesday. This unique perspective that showed up has allowed me to think differently with life challenges and has given me a chance to embrace new possibilities.
Join me on Wednesday 1/29 @6p for a vibrational sound bath honoring the New Moon in Aquarius.